Our Jobs, Our Calling, The Fall


I just came off a weekend with some wonderful people: my little sister, Sara, and her fiancé (my future brother-in-law!), Jeff. We talked about many things and of course at some point the conversation turned to our callings in work, as it often does when you are a group of twenty somethings.

I think the years in your twenties can be multiplied by 7, like dog years. You experience life so quickly and furiously in that post-college time. You are forced to absorb and learn at a highly concentrated level. From 22 to 27, so much can change, and with it, your perspective on most things. I realized this as I noticed so much growth in my little sister. Who was this 24-year-old person on my sofa? And I felt this about myself too. My perspective at 24 was so different from what it is now, at 27. Especially in the area of work and our calling.

When I was 24, I was in a job that was not a great fit for me. Not terrible, but not great. But the “not great” part was all I focused on. I was very anxious about my job and very restless for the next thing. I wanted to find out exactly what my calling was and do only that. I thought if I found the job that was my calling, I would love it and jump out of bed every morning, even on Mondays.

I’ve felt this way for most of my twenties. Even when I got a new job that was a much better fit for me and that gave me more joy, I have prayed that God would show me exactly what he wants me to do and give me the courage to do it.

A few months ago I began reading a book called The Call by Os Guinness. I loved the title and decided by the time I finished it, I would have a clear picture of God’s will for my life. This was going to be great. Then, I read this paragraph and it’s basically all I’m thinking about right now:

“…it is easy to become spoiled if we concentrate on the core of our giftedness—as if the universe existed only to fulfill our gifts….We live in a fallen world and the core of our gifts may not be fulfilled in our lives on earth. If there had been no Fall, all our work would have naturally and fully expressed who we are and exercised the gifts we have been given. But after the Fall, that is not so.”

When I first read that part of the book, I fought it. No, I thought, I will “arrive” one day. I will discover my perfect calling. It’s here, and I’m going to find it.

But what if it’s not? What if things fell and now they are broken? How quickly I forget that. How quickly I get discouraged and wonder why I don’t feel content or why work is so hard sometimes. Maybe it’s because it’s supposed to be. Maybe it’s to remind us that things are broken here.

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I am, shockingly, beginning to find comfort in this thought. It carries over into all areas of our lives. We scramble for perfection, peace, clarity and happiness, but are they here? Sometimes, yes, but also sometimes no. And they’re not meant to be. Eternity is in our hearts, so we long for it everywhere. But when we don’t find the wholeness here on earth, we are forced to look forward and upward. The brokenness is a promise for the whole that is coming and when I see it that way, it doesn’t lessen the longing, but it does sink in the hope.


A note: Hey guys! Because of some exciting writing things happening (which I will tell you about as soon as I can), I’m going to be re-posting some of my favorite blogs for the next few weeks until that project is done. This is a post I wrote originally about a year ago. Might be helpful this time of year as we assess our lives, look back and think forward. 


  1. Sara Lucado on May 5, 2014 at 8:49 am

    So. Good. Thank you for this insight and perspective…such a breath of fresh air. LOVE YOU!
    Wish I could sit on your couch today and chat.

  2. Christina on May 5, 2014 at 8:55 am

    Love that! There is a great article I read the other day by Paul Tripp titled Eternity Amnesia. It complements the quote you shared so well. I’m 42 and still trying to figure out what I want to be when I grow up…it’s narrowed down a little more, but I know this side of paradise it will never be perfect. Love your writing.

    • Andrea Lucado on May 6, 2014 at 8:47 am

      Love the title of that article. I’ll have to check it out!

  3. Karen Sampson on May 5, 2014 at 9:40 am

    Yes. Very well said. I sometimes find myself shocked, but very seldom surprised by happenings on our shadowed planet. The knowledge that it is broken and not as it should be helps me cope and lean toward heaven.

  4. Phil on May 5, 2014 at 11:02 am

    Great post and I’ve come to this conclusion as well. For a long time I kept waiting for God to reveal his purpose to me. But as I progressed on my faith journey I realized that our earthly life is merely preparation for eternity. Maybe we will see the purpose for our life while we are on earth, or maybe we will have to wait. But it will be revealed at the time of God’s will, not ours. I’ve come to accept that I may not find that satisfaction of discerning my call while I’m here. But that’s OK because I know that God is preparing me for something great.

  5. Caroline Green (@carolinepgreen) on May 5, 2014 at 3:49 pm

    good stuff, dre

  6. Elaine Schwenker on May 5, 2014 at 10:12 pm

    You are wise beyond your years!! We all want to be full or whole at all times. Unfortunately, we only see or experience small glimpses of it. We all seem to learn this over and over throughout life!!

  7. […] together. The Bible says He has put eternity in our hearts (Ecclesiastes 3:11), and I’ve become really fascinated with that phrase. If eternity is truly in our hearts, then we’re longing for home, yet, we are […]

  8. Donna on December 30, 2015 at 5:24 pm

    Just what I needed. I too struggle with not feeling like I am purposeful and living my calling. Life somehow takes over and so little is left for what I keep thinking will be truly meaningful. This post sets me free of thinking I am failing. Thank you.

  9. Nynke (The Netherlands) on January 8, 2016 at 11:26 am

    Thanks a lot! The gifts that you’re given carry much further than you know… Love your inspiration!

  10. Wendy on January 25, 2016 at 4:30 pm

    I think our greatest calling is sharing the gospel,the life changing, saving, eternal gospel. And growing disciples. We should be able to find complete contentedness in this alone. What greater calling is there. And as a wife and mom, my calling for now is sharing the gospel and making disciples of my children, and living as an example of this, and loving my husband. We should be discovering our spiritual gifts in how we can be a part of the body, reaching others for Christ. It in that work alone that Christ fulfills us beyond our wildest dreams. It is in those places that God reveals amazing truths about Him, where we feel the most encouraged.

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